109 days into sobriety

109 days into sobriety.
This program (AA) works if you have the willingness and desire to change your life. It helps relieve anxieties and stresses that you’d never have been able to identify before. The friends I have are real, and genuine.

If you’re struggling, keep at it. Although the time I have isnt of great length, my life has begun to change in beneficial ways I couldn’t have imagined 5 months ago. All with me having surrendered my will to the outcome. Letting go of control and LISTENING to the suggestions of fellow addicts and alcoholics has proven to me that I cant, and most certainly dont need to do this by myself.
I was told to be authentic, surrender the outcome, do the uncomfortable work, and do the next right thing. So far, the results are unquantifiable, and my gratitude for this bonus time on earth is growing by the hour.
Today, instead of shooting dope, drinking myself to death, or whatever it may be, other alcoholics and addicts are coming to me for help. I’d never have imagined being an individual that could help save someone’s life. If you’re struggling, REACH OUT. You aren’t going to scare anybody off and the folks in this program give everything they have so generously and freely. It’s a true miracle.

Congratulations on 109, and thanks for the share.

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Congrats on Day 109.

I agree- be authentic.

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