10 months clean , I went to treat and just

10 months clean , I went to treatment and moved away from my hometown. Just moved back about 20 minutes from where I used everyday for 20 years. I moved closer bc we still have kids here that we have visitation with every other weekend , holidays and school breaks. I’ve been here about 2 weeks and I’ve struggled at least half of the time I’ve been back with knowing I could just call someone and it would be right here. I go to meetings about 3x per week. But I don’t have a sponsor and there aren’t many females here in recovery. It does help to talk to fellow addicts in recovery, so please (FEMALES ONLY) add me and reach out! Please!

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Its not a bad idea, that thing that they suggest, not making major changes in the first year, but understanding that if you can't get a year sober because of to many calls back to drinking and using, your environment can make the difference,