10 days sober. Feeling good going into the weekend but

10 days sober. Feeling good going into the weekend but have a cousins wedding tomorrow. My family is full of drinkers. Have a bit of anxiety about this. Does anyone have any good tips/advice? Right now my motivation is if I ever feel like I need a drink, I just think about how shitty the hangover is going to be and how it basically just ruins a full day for me.

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Congrats on Day 10.

Personally, if you're this new to sobriety I don't recommend you attend. If you must go- you are not obligated to stay at the reception the entire time.

It’s my cousins wedding. This is not a choice.

Bring a sober friend who will support you!!! It's so much easier when you have someone on your side!!!:blue_heart::blue_heart::blue_heart:

I've been in that situation before. Have a soda or non alcoholic drink in your hands. If you feel the urge, go outside or somewhere else and call a sober friend. You are not obligated to stay the whole time.

Get on this app and say you need our support!

Go to wedding. Skip reception. Sobriety is more important. Be selfish.

If I had known on day 5 that I had a built in excuse to drink on day 10, mentally I would have been planning to drink. I’d have been lying to everyone else about how great I was doing while actually I would have been counting down the minutes to that first shot.

Alcohol is cunning, baffling and powerful. On day 10 I would not have trusted myself in that setting.