1 Year Sober

From guzzling bottles of liquor everyday for many many years living a lie, a double life from behind closed doors to what people would see, my own personal prison I was trapped in, a vicious cycle that never ended, or just numbing the pain and stress day to day….To today 1 year sober! WE DO RECOVER :sparkles: This has been one of the most incredibly rewarding challenging eye opening fulfilling years of my life with lots of self discovery/inner work, new friendships with my sober community, and many new sober adventures truly living my life to the fullest as my whole hearted pure authentic self and I’ve never been happier! It’s amazing the things we can accomplish when we dig deep and find that inner strength waiting to be brought to light so that we can flourish and thrive. Manifest the reality you want for yourself :two_hearts:


Outstanding accomplishment


Great job. What a good thing


This is awesome Kerry! I'm proud of you. Self- reflection isn't easy but you're doing it. Great job!

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Woo hoo to you and HP! A day at a time! Keep up the great work!!

Congratulations! Glad you are feeling good.

Look in the mirror, look at that courageous, tough, beautiful, blessed human and be proud. Congratulations

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Wow!! Congratulations on one year! :partying_face:

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Wow that’s amazing congratulations

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Congratulations on the year!!!

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Good for you! Congratulations!

This makes me feel so hopeful! :heart::heart::heart:

Kerry I dont know you but 1year is a big accomplishment because first year is the hardest I think you really do sound like you have a good handle on it be proud but not to proud sobriety is a never ending job but it does get easier enjoy your day

Kerry!!!! Woohoo! Congratulations on one year! Well said! Thank you for sharing your experience, strength and hope! I’m here! This is the best life! Keep up the good work! Help others who still suffer/struggle.
I’m so happy for you!

Congrats. Good job. Keep it going.

Congratulations :tada: