1 day sober and having a hard time with it

1 day sober and having a hard time with it and not wanting alcohol, everytime I say no more there I am on the way to buying more liquor.


Message me anytime you need to talk.. at first it is hard, but it's so worth it, once you get past the horrible length of time it takes to get your life back it's so much easier and you get confidence back and your life. I pray you get the release you need from addiction. God bless


Thanks so much for your message it so made my day I am new at it all for the million time in a row.

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Thanks for your feedback it so help put it all in perspective and so grateful for this app and so happy to meet you… but like I said new to it all.

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Go to a detox clinic, none of us can do it alone

You're probably going to need some real help to get over the hump. For me that involved inpatient treatment. I don't know much about your situation but the more help you can get, the better your chances are

4 wks ago I woke in a jail cell for a dwi, completely lost and broken. I made the decision that day to get sober. I am 28 days sober and it hasn't been easy. Honestly the main thing that has helped me is every time I have the desire to drink, I PRAY. God and my husband have been my rocks through this. As others have said, PLEASE reach out. Sometimes u just need to talk to get ur mind off of it! Praying for you and your sobriety

You've got this. Stay busy with tons of little things you've been wanting to get done. That helps me.

Hey Alicia, I’m glad you’re here and that you’re reaching out to other sober ppl for support! That takes a lot of courage :muscle:t3: right now, your habit is probably still tied to going to the liquor store but once some time has passed and youve become used to doing something else instead of going to the liquor store, it’ll become like second nature to do that new thing. Add + DM me if you ever wanna chat. Rooting for you

You got it! 1 minute at a time sometimes.