1 day at a time

Stacking 1 day at a time can lead to big things. Today I crossed the 1 year mark for the second time in my sobriety. The first was court ordered and I thought I had beat my alcoholism... spoiler alert, I didn't... this one though, this year of ups and downs, hard work, some tears and lots more laughter... thats for me. I CHOOSE to be sober now. Here's hoping I can keep on stacking up these chips. I truly love this community and I'm an open book if you need someone to talk to. Have a great day everyone :grinning:



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Way to go!! I love keeping is simple as much as possible.

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Congrats! I'm extremely proud of you.

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Love it! You're awesome and have helped me so much. Very inspiring. I know you'll keep up with it and on the harder days you know where I'm at. I'm so happy for you. :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::blush:

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That's awesome, Bryan! :facepunch:

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Awesome job, Bryan. I love that you offered to talk to others who are struggling. That’s what this is all about

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I'm so happy for you!!! Be proud. You deserve it :clap:

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Thanks everyone… I'm loving the support :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


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Congratulations and thanks for sharing

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Good for you. A day at a time!