What’s your favorite recovery saying?

Don’t let the gifts of the program take you out of the program.

That’s another one I love.


Don’t give up before the miracle happens.

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It works if you work it so work it because You’re worth it

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The only requirement to be here is that you have a desire to quit drinking

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The program is not for people who need it nor for people who want it but for people who work it

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Its a great one...Thank you for that reminder

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nothing changes if nothing changes.


Let go let God


Yep! And/or..
If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change!!
Let go, let God.
Drop it !!

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Same here

This program works 100% of the time for 100% of the people who do 100% of the work.


I'm better now than I was before.


I'm loving these.

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Love that saying!!

Love this one!

Love this :blush:

The war is over… If you want it to be.

You have to learn to love yourself first.

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The person who I used to be will use again.

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The answer to everything :

c. That God could and would if He were sought.