One year sober from alcohol. Cheers

1 yr is so awesome! Wish I can make it a year ... been trying but am so motivated seeing you make it

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Job well done Brittany, I am super happy for you!

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She really does have the best smile haha thanks!

Haha I caught a stomach bug recently and thought, "I can't believe I used to do this on purpose..." Thanks!

I completely believe in you! One day you'll be celebrating the same milestone, and then passing it

I'm feeling emotional from the outpouring of support here. You are all amazing! Honestly. Taking time out of your day to root for a total stranger is as genuine as it gets. Thank you so, so much.

Congratulations Brittany.
One year is a great start!

Your dog looks happy too!

I sure want to be able to celebrate but have to remember to always take it one day at a time



Congrates brittany

All Right!

Nice job Brittany. Did you ever make it to Vermont?

Go, friend, go! I'm happy for you.


You know what comes after 1 year sober?

Another 24 hours free from addiction - one day at a time.

Be careful. Make those meetings. Speak to your sponsor more often. Stay in the pack. Do this and you'll be fine!!!

Way to go!


Rick n roll!. Nicely done!

Congrats, you look happy!