One month but struggling

Just go and don't drink. Try not to overthink it.

Or, go and fake drink.

Or don't go.

Congratulations. I think deep down, the ones you talking about that don't believe in Aa etc that comes with alcoholism are probably not sharing what you've just shared with their own thoughts and their own problems that come with drinking on a daily basis. They must have their own struggles but don't present them to you or admit it to themselves. Which is the first and most important step to recovery. Some people will drink along time and function fine but in the long run it will cut your life short and lead to many problems as you know. You've got to do what you believe in. As far as the holidays and trouble you may have being around them/ it, is to prove to them that you are happier than ever being sober and its the best thing for you. Good luck

You have a new tribe to support your sobriety from alcohol now! :raised_hands: