Looking for more female friends in sobriety. Really need women

This is fantastic.

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Iā€™m with you. I know what I need to do but still havenā€™t even started. Everyday I say today is the day and then by the end of the day I give in.

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Yes girl me too!! Donā€™t need men friends more female friends on my sobriety journey! Letā€™s stay connected! Iā€™m on my fourth day

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Ugh me too! I just canā€™t get it and itā€™s killing me

You just started. How did you kick start. I need friends like you.


Hey well after a binge and having my husband have to pick me up again, missing work due to my drinking again! I woke up and said Iā€™m going to put my two feet into this sobriety this time for a gift to myself for my bday in June and try not to f-up my career and newly marriage- heā€™s to day 4!! Youā€™ve got this!

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Hi Meg! Iā€™m here, please feel free to reach out :slightly_smiling_face:

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Reach out anytime!

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Hi there, I live in Redmond, I'm looking for sober new girlfriends for shopping, lunches, movies or walks

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Same. Do you have kids?

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Yes I have a 2.5 year old

Sounds perfect!

How are you doing today..? Where do you stay? I'm here in Redmond wa

Me too!!!

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You got me!

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Hi Meg same here ! :wave::heartpulse:

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Hi! Me! Iā€™m female and sober :blush: Pick me

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Not on here all the time but message me anytime and I'll get back to you

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