I’m scared of how much and how easily I drink,

Thank you Jack! I will try and remember to do this tomorrow if that’s okay?? Too late today I’m afraid..:disappointed:

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Actually call me anytime -the important thing is to apply in the morning. If you can remember then you might be good. Do you black out or just get boozy?

Sorry for my ignorance but..what are IOPs?

Neither. I just drink…. All the time. No one else even knows usually. I’m terrified because I literally stay sober, sober feeling that is.

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I understand completely—- if you give me your number I’ll text you . I have lots of power and am healthy so I would be happy to assist you and make it easy for you. We can go slow and easy so you feel comfortable. How does that sound?

Can I do it privately? I don’t know how to send a pm on here :woman_shrugging:t2:

Never mind…I’ll just text you​:woman_facepalming:t4::woman_facepalming:t4:

For me it's not taboo that I'm an alcoholic for the rest of my life. I just know from past experience that I have no use for alcohol and that if I tried to take one drink I would end up in the same place as I did each time before. I have a very good life and a very normal life the only rule that I can never break is that I can never pick up a drink again. That's it. And I give it away in order to keep it. I try to share my experience strength and hope with with many people regardless of their age. Whatever you try I hope that it works for you. Sobriety is definitely the easier softer way


Thank you Dave

You're welcome

Girl, been right where you are. It’s frightening to drink like that and frightening to stop. What I will say is that for me, the agony of deciding to quit took a lot longer and caused a deeper soul-pain than even the worst of detox, and I don’t say that lightly. You are strong simply to share your experience and think about change. Don’t forget your strength. You deserve to be well, and you will get there. But wherever you are, at any moment, you are not alone.


Thank you so much!! I needed to read that more than I can say​:heart::heart:

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Brandy, the way you describe your drinking resonates so much with me. I’ve never actually heard anyone describe it so precisely. When I walked into detox (before inpatient treatment), I blew a .29 and they were confused and astonished I was so focused and level. I explain my last two years of drinking as not only daily, but nearly hourly.. and no one knew. I woke up throughout the night to drink, drank everywhere and all the time. In the end I was searching for ways to resolve the madness on my own and did so much research. But there’s no safe way to self-detox. There just isn’t. In the end I finally decided to pull together a small group of close family and friends and let them know I was going to treatment and I needed to lean on each of them for support with my three kids and to help my husband. He didn’t even know. It took me pulling out empty whiskey and wine bottles from all of my hiding places to get him to believe me. I was walking around coherent and “productive,” but all the while highly intoxicated, feeling like a sad imposter in a life I didn’t feel I deserved. I am happy to give you my number if you’d like to chat. I see you and I hear you.

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There’s so much good advice on here already but I thought I’d chime in. I read a lot of “quit lit” in the beginning and it really helped me understand what my mind and body were going through and also what I should expect. We are the luckiest, the unexpected joy of being sober, sober diaries, and quit like a woman are some of my favorites.