Day 81, any suggestions on outdoor activities?

Thanks, I don’t fish

Vegan don’t fish or hunt your funny!! Yeah go in a nature hike or go kayaking or go bike riding or go for a walk along a river!!! May you have a most excellent time while doing what ever you do!!

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Congratulations! Love all of these suggestions and adding in practicing outdoor yoga or meditation outside :two_hearts:

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It’s facts lmao.

Thank you !

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Anything outdoor with friends is great!!

Anything outdoors with myself is great too :slight_smile:

:slight_smile: enjoy!

Open your front door and go outside. If you’re still alive then it’s an outdoor breathing activity.

Thanks Buddha. If you have any strenuous suggestions I’d appreciate that lmao

You can just ask me out if that’s what you want to do.

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My bad I completely overlooked where u said u were a vegan. Woops! I need to start paying more attention :weary: :roll_eyes:

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I could teach you how to skateboard?

I personally just love going for walks. It’s kind of a form of meditation for me