Dad time at the beach

i start PT on my arm today in water therapy in hopes of not tearing my shoulder again :roll_eyes:

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Yikes. That's a lot. Also sounds pretty painful. Were you an athlete or just super active? Well, glad you are slowly but surely keeping at it and getting out there and not letting anything hold you back from enjoying life. :grinning:

Good luck. Think positive

i um have a crazy story but i worked 16 yrs in the ER as a medic.. 12hr shifts pounding on concrete then i hit a literal stallion driving home from work so that didnt help the osteo arthritis. then i fell working in the yard last april which destroyed my MCL, ACL and meniscus

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my arm tried breaking my fall ( its called a f.o.o.s.h injury.... fall on open stretched hand. look at that im teaching you something :rofl:

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Wowzers! Easy does it now lol

thats what my sponsor tells me! im pretty hard headed lol

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thank God my sponsor was on me about not addiction transferring with opiates! thank god i dont like how opiates make me feel! that could have gone horribly wrong with all the narcotics the surgeons were throwing at me!

Exactly. Way to stay on path and keep that clarity.

when i came into the rooms of AA, i thought my problem was just alcoholism :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. Now God is showing me all my addicted brain "ism's". its clear im a multi faceted addict lol

will you get to a meeting today?

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Probably not. I haven't been to a meeting in a few years. I have different outlets. Gym, hiking, reading, anything to get my mind stimulated l.


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But I'll go again soon.