Anybody else try AA and just don’t think it’s right

And I do want to check that out in the big book. Thank you!

That’s what I LOVE about my AA daily group. Not only is nothing separated, emotional sobriety is a very focal point as well. AND, our group is so driven on finding the solutions to our own life defects, that it will combat anything thrown at us.

As long as your getting what you need!! That is all tha is important! Ya dig!?


What a beautiful said post. Thanks for sharing your wisdom in such elegant words that state AA the exact way my sponsor tells me. I love my meeting (see previous post)

I think NA helps more

:raising_hand_woman:t6: And that's OK. There's no size fits all in recovery.

You didn't say anything offensive. And even if it was offensive to me who cares right? You know how they say in AA; what people feel about us is none of our business.

I don't know why some people get upset when people mention the word drugs in their lead. It's pretty hard to find someone these days who hasn't had some sort of an experience with drugs and alcohol. It's never one or the other. And like I said before Oh, there's at least two stories that I'm aware of in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous that have hardcore drugs in them. So the people that are getting upset they need to go back and do their homework. It's all about addiction as far as I'm concerned.


I recommend SMART.

What did you expect from humans? Really.

Yep! I went to few meetings, Years ago. I think it’s great for some people. I got annoyed with this older guy preaching to this kid out of the “Big Book”. Nothing wrong with the big book and steps…but this kid was just asking to be “heard” and this guy wasn’t listening, just robotically responding. I thought, well, if I don’t ever drink again, I don’t have to be here. So, it did help me solidify my non drinking decision…but it kinda triggered me. That’s just my experience though. It CLEARLY helps a thousands of people get and stay sober. I support AA and encourage people to go…but it’s not for everyone.
I huge recovery skill I have learned it to be brutally honest with ourselves and a few trusted people…this also includes being honest about a particular 12 step format you don’t like or think is not for you. That’s ok, that healthy and honest. Living Free and Celebrate recovery had more things that found helpful. Just my experience. Keep at it though…somewhere, weekly at least.:pray:t2::+1:

Have you tried Narcotics Anonymous? Might be worth checking it out? The worst it could happen is that you don't like it.

Only an alcoholic can help another alcoholic. Good luck and we’ll be here.

Only you can help you. You can confide in another alcoholic but what you do is entirely up to you. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

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I would love it if this were true for myself , I often believe only I can help myself but it becomes apparent this isn’t the case. For me to remain sober I need to be around other alcoholics. I’m recovered but like being around Not recovered ones as well as recovered ones.

Yes.. in fact I attended a zoom meeting yesterday night and I didn’t find it helpful or enjoyable. So far this site has been the most helpful. I’m also considering getting a coach. I rather have space to talk and get more crap out that needs to be processed… AA doesn’t help you with traumas or any of that stuff. And I know most people on here have success with AA I just don’t like the one track kind that a lot of them believe AA is the only way and it’s not.

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Do good, be.good work hard, help others! Success!!!!

Have you tried Refuge or SMART Recovery???

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Great post Brennan. I've seen several cases where people made claims that AA doesn't work or it wasn't right for them. LOL
Then they return to the rooms, sometimes years later after alcoholism has had time to take root and discover that they lost a lot of time because they had to try it their way.

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I just signed up for Smart Recovery last night! Science based, self empowered recovery :relieved: I’m excited to get started!

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