2 weeks sober today & feeling AMAZING!

Do you hunt with that lab?

Not yet. He’s just a pup. 13 weeks to be exact (:

Big dog. You will be hunting him though?

I bet he loved this. Labs love water.

He totally loves it! He loves fetching sticks from the bottom of the pond!

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You got this!

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It’s so nice! I am so much more productive and feeling happier each day. So much we miss out on being hungover

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Good for you! We have been going on nightly hikes and he’s loving it. He gets a little swim time in, too. Nature is so peaceful and healing

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Congrats. Keep it up

Congratulations keep it going!!!

“Here ducky, ducky”. The dog looks intensely interested.

Thanks all. I’m currently going on 43 days now :blush:

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Keep it up

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